Once, a friend of mine said to me, my photography generally is OK, but some pictures are not accurate enough, like the focus, like the balance of composition, like the preliminary subject... I appreciate so many professional suggestions from him, and he is one of the photography fever patients i known. It can be judged directly from his equipments, supporter, films, all sorts of lenses for all kinds of occasions, several camera-companions, preparing overnight for one satisfied sunrise image... I really admire his attitude of devotion.
But for me, i admit my photography is rough, sometimes a little bit obscure, but i just enjoy the moment of shooting, the atmosphere from lens... Camera is like my third eye, I'm not a rational machinist, the results of photography are always surprise... That's mean sometimes i thought that would be a nice one, but it turned out average; while sometimes i shot by chance, but proved to be an incredible one... I would never know the answer in advance, the only thing i can do is just keeping shooting... Also sometimes, the story is really what i'm concerning about, not only the visual scenery.
That's not my excuse for the loose works. Maybe comparable to the painting, his work is like classical oil-painting, mine is more like sketching; or on the other words, his is like a movie made in Hollywood by Dream Works, whereas mine is more like an independent film; his is from album disc, mine is from live show... Anyway, we are just for fun, ain't we? :)
Hi! You don't know me, I'm a spanish girl with a lot of free time, or wasted time, it can be.
I very like your fotographs, you should put more of them on your blog, please!!
I'll visit you!!!
Hi,stla? Thx a lot for the encouragement, please have fun!!:)
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