( Andree Putman, one of my favorate legends, a charming French woman, also a respectable and prosperous designer, who designed the first boutique hotel in the world. Now, She is more than 80, still active at the design Industry. images from: http://www.designboom.com/eng/interview/putman.html)
Suddenly, i found i had held this designer dream for twelve years since i was 14. For all these years, after experienced hopeful and hopeless, i feel really an eternal flame inside me for insisting the desire and keeping the faith. I'm lucky if a dream-keeper is one of the happiest human beings. Even with the following decades rest in my life, i will continue this way definitely, with all my passion devoted.
a dream is the relief of overload for the unspoken promises;
and a promise is the access of spirit for the immortalized hopes.
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